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A check is a comparison between a defined acceptable outcome and the actual outcome of a given process. Checks indicate where the software aligns to or deviates from organizational standards and best practices.

Soundcheck Checks

Checks consist of four components: facts, paths, operators, and values. These components are then organized via a Boolean calculator in the UI. You can see an example of the rule layout a user will see when creating a check in the image below.

Soundcheck Boolean Calculator

Managing checks via the no-code UI

Creating a check

To create a check, select the facts that you want to use, organize them into rules and give your check a meaningful name and a description. The rules are what defines a check and what a track will use in determining if an entity passes or fails. Simple expressions can be combined using Any Of / All Of to create more complex rules. You also have the option of adding Pass/Fail messages for additional details of why something passed/failed.

Soundcheck Create Check

Editing a check

Once a check is created, you will be able to manage and edit your check on its detail page. You’ll find no differences in how the pages look when creating/editing a check. From the checks listing page, you will see an option to edit you check, which will bring you to the details page shown below.

Soundcheck Edit Check

You can make as many changes as desired, but just keep in mind that changes are reflected in tracks that may already have said check assigned. Checks can also be a part of multiple tracks, which could have the unintentional effect of causing some tracks to start failing. While the track you want the check updated in may pass, a track setup somewhere else may fail.

Export to YAML

Checks can be saved as YAML via the dropdown menu on the check cards.


Managing checks via yaml configuration

Checks can be created in code via yaml configuration files.

Overall shape of a Check

A fact check defines a rule, comprised of one or more conditions: a combination of facts, operators, and values that determine whether the check emits a passed or failed check result to Soundcheck. Required fields include id and rule.

Note: the id field is a unique identifier for the check. It is used to reference the check in tracks and within the Soundcheck UI. It must be unique across all checks in your library.

Here is an example of a basic check (more examples):

id: has_pagerduty_integration_key
factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.annotations[]
operator: matches
value: .+
failedMessage: |
No PagerDuty Integration Key defined for this entity.
passedMessage: |
PagerDuty Integration Key defined for this entity.

Adding yaml checks to your check library

To add checks defined in a yaml file to your check library, you need to source them in you app-config.yaml. You have the option of storing them locally or remotely.

Here is an example configuration should your check yaml files be local to your Backstage project:

- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/checks-file-1.yaml
- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/checks-file-2.yaml
- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/checks-file-3.yaml

To maintain your checks files in a remote repo, you can source them in app-config.yaml in a similar manner. Here is an example configuration:

disabled: false
minutes: 5

Note: you cannot combine local and remote sourcing for checks files. This includes the usage of $include within a remotely sourced checks file. The below option will NOT work:

- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/checks-file-3.yaml

Remote file update options

The remote_file_updates object is optional configuration allowing you to control if and when Soundcheck looks for updates within your remote files. This configuration is global for Soundcheck, so will apply to both track and check files. If not explicitly set, see the below for default values.

disabledfalseEnables Soundcheck to look for updates in remote files
frequencyminutes: 5The frequency at Soundcheck will look for updates in remote files. Possible values are either a cron expression { cron: ... } or HumanDuration.

Check Fields

idYesThe unique identifier for this fact check.
nameNoA name for the fact check suitable for display on a UI.
descriptionNoA description of the fact check suitable for display on a UI.
ruleYesOne or more conditions that determine check result.
passedMessageNoMessage if the check passes.
failedMessageNoMessage if the check fails.
scheduleNoHow often and on what entities the fact check should run.
ownerEntityRefNoReference to the owner of the check.
filterNoFilter for entities to run check on.


A rule contains one or more conditions.

The simplest form of a condition consists of a fact reference, an operator, and a value. When the check is executed, the operator is used to compare the fact against the value.

Example of a simple condition:

factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.annotations[]
operator: matches
value: .+
failedMessage: |
No PagerDuty Integration Key defined for this entity.

More complex conditions can by created through the use of boolean expressions. A rule may optionally have either an all or an any expression at its root, containing an array of conditions. The all operator specifies that all conditions contained within must be truthy for the check to pass. The any operator only requires one condition to be truthy for the check to pass.

Example of a complex condition:

- factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.labels['language']
operator: equal
value: java
- factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.labels['language']
operator: equal
value: kotlin


Boolean, Numeric, & String Operators

equalFact must equal value.
notEqualFact must not equal value.

Numeric Operators

lessThanFact must be less than value.
lessThanInclusiveFact must be less than or equal to value.
greaterThanFact must be greater than value.
greaterThanInclusiveFact must be greater than or equal to value.

Array Operators

| in | Fact must be included in array value. | | notIn | Fact must not be included in array value. | | contains | Fact array must include value. | | doesNotContain | Fact array must not include value. | | hasLengthOf | fact array must have length equal to value. |

String Operators

matchesFact string matches given value regex.
semverGtFact version must be greater than value version.
semverGteFact version must be greater than or equal to value version.
semverLtFact version must be less than value version.
semverLteFact version must be less than or equal to value version.
semverEqFact version must equal value version.
semverNeqFact version must not equal value version.
semverSatisfiesFact version satisfies value range.
semverGtrFact version is greater than all versions in value range.
semverLtrFact version is less than all versions in value range.

Misc. Operators

existsFact value must exist/be defined.


NOTE: In general checks should not be scheduled; prefer scheduling fact collections. When Soundcheck collects a fact it will automatically execute all checks that depend on that fact.

Scheduling options for fact checks:

frequencyYesCron expression or HumanDuration for check execution frequency.
entityRefsNoEntities to run check on (overrides filter).
filterNoFilter for entities to run check on.


Pass messages - passedMessage - are displayed to the user when a check passes. Fail messages - failedMessage - are displayed to the user when a check fails. Messages can be provided as a string or as a markdown string. Pass and fail messages also support Liquid templating. The following variables are available for use in templates:

  • entity - The entity the check was executed on.
  • facts - A map of facts used by the check. Individual facts can be looked up in this map by fact reference. For example, facts['catalog:default/entity_descriptor'].
    • If all the facts used by the check have unique fact names they can be accessed in facts by fact name rather than having to use the entire fact reference. For example, if check uses the catalog:default/entity_descriptor it can be accessed by facts['catalog:default/entity_descriptor'] or facts['entity_descriptor'].
    • If only a single fact is used by the check, the fact can be accessed directly. For example, if catalog:default/entity_descriptor was the only fact used by the check it can be accessed as fact rather than facts['catalog:default/entity_descriptor'].

Here is an example of a pass message using templates:

{{ }} has a PagerDuty Integration Key defined.

in this example, Soundcheck would replace {{ }} with the name of the entity the check was executed on.

You can also render the output as JSON. This is particularly useful for displaying facts for testing and debugging. For example:

{{ fact | json: 4 }}

Would give you an output like:

"factRef": {
"source": "github",
"scope": "default",
"name": "repository_details"
"entityRef": "component:default/example",
"html_url": "",
"description": "Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals",
"fork": false,
"url": ""


Checks can be filtered to the desired set of entities using the same Entity Filter syntax as Tracks.

Executing Checks

Fact checks are executed by Soundcheck:

  1. When a dependent fact is updated.
  2. Via scheduled execution based on frequency and entities.
  3. Manually triggered via the Checks API.

For more details, refer to the original documentation.


- id: has_less_than_ten_open_issues
factRef: github:default/repo_details
path: $.open_issues
operator: lessThan
value: 10
passedMessage: |
Less than 10 open issues
failedMessage: |
Ten or more open issue(s)
- id: is_repo_private
factRef: github:default/repo_details
path: $.private
operator: equal
value: true
passedMessage: |
Repo is private
failedMessage: |
Repo is not private, change repo to private
- id: default_branch_is_main
factRef: github:default/repo_details
path: $.default_branch
operator: equal
value: main
passedMessage: |
Default banch is main
failedMessage: |
Change default branch to main
- id: has_readme_check # The name of the check
rule: # How to evaluate this check
factRef: scm:default/readme_and_catalog_info_files_exist_fact # The fact data to reference
path: $.readme_exists # The path to the field to analyze
operator: equal # Indicates the operation to apply
value: true # The desired value of the field indicated in path, above.
- id: has_catalog_info_file_check
factRef: scm:default/readme_and_catalog_info_files_exist_fact
path: $.catalog_info_exists
operator: equal
value: true
- id: has_pagerduty_integration_key
factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.annotations[""]
operator: matches
value: .+
cron: '*/5 * * * 1-5'
kind: 'Component'

- id: has_description
factRef: github:default/repo_details
path: $.description
operator: matches
value: .+
passedMessage: |
Repo has a description
failedMessage: |
Repo does not have a description


We include a REST API for Checks. See API Reference for details.

Check Result History

By default, Soundcheck retains only the latest result for each check, so that the size of the database is a function of the number of entities and the number of of checks, rather than the number of check results. However, it's possible to enable tracking of check result history in order to track the change in check results over time.

Soundcheck does not currently provide an API or UI for interacting with check result history. However, it's possible for other systems to integrate with check result history by reading from the Soundcheck database directly.

Enabling Check Result History

To enable check result history, set soundcheck.results.history.enable to true in config:

enable: true

Reading Check Result History

Check result history is stored in the check_result_history table in the Soundcheck database. Unless overridden in Backstage configuration, the Soundcheck database will be part of the main Backstage database, and named backstage_plugin_soundcheck.

FROM check_result_history
WHERE entity_ref = 'component:default/example-component';

The table contains the same fields as the object accepted by the check result submission endpoint, along with a unique check_result_history_id field and a timestamp corresponding to the time the result was submitted.