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Spotify Portal for Backstage

What is Portal?

Portal is a no-code IDP (internal developer portal) based on Backstage that's drastically easier to get up and running. Portal automates the installation process of Backstage into just a few steps and provides guidance as the adopter installs and configures their Backstage instance. Portal facilitates and expedites the adoption experience and reduces ongoing maintenance burden. Developed by Spotify, Portal makes use of Spotify's expertise by providing built-in opinions and enhancements, making it easier than ever to adopt and maintain an internal developer portal for your team.

Who is Portal for?

The Champions

You are curious about Backstage or IDPs and seeking to understand and demonstrate its value to your organization with minimal technical investment.

The Plug & Players

You might not be equipped with the technical know-how to build and manage a custom Backstage instance and want the simplification and opinionation that Spotify offers.

The Busy Bees

You don't have the resources to invest in the complexities that come with building and managing a custom Backstage instance.

Why use Portal?

  • No coding required
  • Adopt Backstage with minimal overhead
  • Manage plugin configuration through an easy-to-use UI

Getting started

To start using Portal, see the Getting Started documentation.


Config Manager

The Config Manager allows you to view and edit Backstage configuration. It automatically detects and surfaces each plugin's configuration schema so that changes can be made directly in the Portal UI.

Read more about the Config Manager here.


Portal includes a built-in recovery mode that allows an authorized admin user to regain access if a misconfiguration has occurred.

These authorized admin users are the only users allowed to access the Config Manager UI and perform configuration changes.


Configuration is always encrypted using aes-256-cbc when stored in the database. Read more about the features and key security considerations of Portal here.


Portal includes the Software Catalog plugin, and will expand to include support for the core Backstage open source plugins and the Spotify Plugins for Backstage throughout the private beta.


A Wizard provides a no-code way to configure complex features or plugins, such as auth.


Portal aims to use the same release cadence as Backstage main release. In practice this means that Portal will release a new version on the same monthly cadence as Backstage.