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Track Insights Page Overview

The Track Insights page offers a comprehensive view of the health of various entities associated with a specific track.

Header Information

At the top of the page, you'll find essential information about the track:

  • Name: The name of the track.
  • Owner: The primary contact or owner of the track.
  • Description: A brief overview of the track’s purpose and scope.


If you have the necessary permissions, an Edit button will be visible, allowing you to modify track by navigating to the track editing page.

Filter Bar

Directly beneath the header is the filter bar, designed to help you refine the displayed data:

  • Filters Available: Owner, Type, Lifecycle, and System.
  • Usage: Select filters to view specific subsets of entities. For instance, setting the Lifecycle filter to "Production" will include only those entities which have a lifecycle of production.
  • Disabled Filters: If the track’s filter already limits the view to a specific category, the corresponding filter will be automatically disabled to prevent redundant selections.


Track Progress

The track progress card displays metrics regarding entity certification percentages:

  • Certification Levels: Shows the percentage of entities certified at each level, ensuring they meet all required checks up to and including that level.
  • Historical Data: View certification percentages over the past 30 days to track changes and trends.


Levels Tab

This tab provides a detailed breakdown of each level within the track:

  • Level Details: Each card displays the level’s badge, name, and the certification percentage.
  • Check Progress: For each check within a level, a card shows the current pass percentage and historical pass rate over the past 30 days.


Entities Tab

A table listing all entities associated with the track:

  • Certification Status: Indicates at which level each entity is certified.
  • Chack Pass Rate: Shows the percentage of checks each entity passes across the entire track.


Tips for Navigating the Track Insights Page

  • Utilize the filter bar effectively to focus on entities of interest.
  • Use the historical data features to identify trends or areas of improvement over time.