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Fact Collectors

One of the foundational elements of Soundcheck, Fact Collectors collect raw data (facts) about your components. These facts are then used by checks to determine the health of your components.

NOTE: Fact Collectors are called Integrations in No-Code UI.

Fact Framework

  • Soundcheck allows organizations to push results through the Soundcheck API.
  • Organizations may also leverage the Soundcheck Fact Framework, which provides a mechanism by which Soundcheck itself can collect facts about an entity in Backstage, and execute checks based on those facts.
  • The Fact Framework allows Soundcheck to collect facts (un-opinionated information) about an entity in the software catalog. Facts are made available to Soundcheck through fact collectors.

Soundcheck comes with two built-in fact collectors: the Software Catalog Collector and the Soundcheck Collector. A fact collector collects one or more facts about entities, and Soundcheck can be extended with additional fact collectors.

NOTE: At the moment, some fact collectors like GitLab, Azure DevOps or New Relic cannot be configured via the No-Code UI, their support is coming in future releases.

Soundcheck FC Main Screen

Configuring a fact collector (integration) via the no-code UI

To configure a fact collector (integration), make sure you are on the Integrations tab. Click on an integration's Configure link to open a page that displays the integration's configuration form.

  • WARNING: If you already have a config YAML file setup, No-Code UI configuration will be merged with the existing YAML configuration. It's preferable to choose a single source for the Fact Collectors configuration (either No-Code UI or YAML) to avoid confusing merge results.

Soundcheck FC Modal

Once you choose to configure an integration, you will see the following page with multiple configuration options for different fact types. You can see what each configuration collects in its description. All configs have the following options:

A Note on Multiple Backstage Instances

If you are running backstage with multiple instances which include multiple instances of Soundcheck, read on. Otherwise, you may skip this section.

When configuring Soundcheck in an environment with multiple Soundcheck instances there is a delay between when you save a configuration and when you will consistently see the changes reflected in the Soundcheck UI. This is because while the configurations are stored in the database immediately, the instances synchronize their configuration once a minute.

The more instances you have, the less likely you are to see configuration changes reflected immediately in the UI, depending on which Soundcheck instance ends up serving the UI request.


Soundcheck FC Frequency

You can set the frequency of how often to collect details from each collector option. The frequency of runs can be set using regular intervals or defined as custom cron expressions.


Soundcheck FC Filters

You can set filters for each option as well. These filters contain the same options as Tracks. You can learn by going to the Creating a new track section.


Soundcheck FC Cache

Lastly, you can enable Caching and set up an optional duration for said cache.

Once you have finished making your desired changes, make sure to click on the save button in order to properly save you configuration. Optionally, you can click on the cancel button at anytime to discard your changes.

Configuring fact collectors via yaml configuration

Soundcheck can be extended with additional fact collectors. A fact collector can collect one or more facts on a given entity.

These fact collectors are provided by default with additional configuration required. A check using facts from these collectors can be defined normally. However, if you'd like the check to execute periodically the check must have a schedule with filter because facts from these collectors are not collected on a schedule. Catalog and soundcheck collectors do not require a collector.yaml file to be present, just the checks.

Catalog Fact Collector

The catalog fact collector exposes information from Backstage's Software Catalog as facts to Soundcheck. It provides a single fact on entities: catalog:default/entity_descriptor which provides the entity's descriptor as fact data.

This enables the creation of checks against an entity's metadata, to ensure that it is in compliance with your organizations standards and best practices.

An example fact collected by the catalog fact collector:

factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
entityRef: component:default/artist-web
kind: Component
name: artist-web
description: The place to be, for great artists
labels: custom_label_value
annotations: artistweb github/example-org/artist-website
- java
- url:
title: Admin Dashboard
icon: dashboard
type: admin-dashboard
type: website
lifecycle: production
owner: artist-relations-team
system: public-websites
timestamp: 2023-02-20T13:50:35Z

An example catalog check:

- id: has_required_tags
- factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.tags
operator: contains
value: java
- factRef: catalog:default/entity_descriptor
path: $.metadata.tags
operator: contains
value: data
cron: '* * * * *'
kind: 'Component'
passedMessage: |
Tag found, check passed.
failedMessage: |
No `java` or `data` tag found, check failed.

Note: Since the collector for catalog information is built into Soundcheck there is no need for a collector.yaml file. As a result, adding the schedule to the check is how Soundcheck is told when to collect these facts. Additionally, the filter informs Soundcheck which type of entities to collect these facts from. This is a break from our recommendation to configure schedule and filter at the collector level for other fact collectors. This is described in checks section here.

Soundcheck Fact Collector

The Soundcheck fact collector exposes Soundcheck track certifications as facts. It provides facts for each Soundcheck track using the fact reference: soundcheck:default/program/:programId where :programId is the identifier for the track whose certification is contained in the fact.

This enables the creation of checks against an entity's certification level in other tracks.

Here is an example of a check using the Soundcheck fact collector:

- id: is_level_one_certified_track_id
- factRef: soundcheck:default/program/track_id
path: $.highestLevel.ordinal
operator: greaterThanInclusive
value: 1
cron: '* * * * *'
kind: 'Component'

Note: Similar to the Catalog collector, the Soundcheck collector does not support scheduling. As a result, it requires a schedule with a filter and frequency. This is described in checks section here.

Overall shape of a fact collector configuration file

However, if you'd like to use any of the available third-party integration fact collectors or create any custom collectors yourself, you will need to create a <COLLECTOR_NAME>-fact-collector.yaml file. Here is an example for the GitHub TPI Fact Collector plugin:

cron: '* * * * *'
seconds: 30
batchSize: 1
kind: 'Component'
hours: 24
- factName: repo_details
type: RepositoryDetails
- factName: protections
type: BranchProtections

Fact Collector Configuration

Each collector defines their own configuration parameters. Please refer to the documentation for the specific collector you are using for more information.

Adding yaml fact collectors to your fact library

To add fact collectors to your fact library, you will need to add the following to your app-config.yaml file:

- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/github-fact-collector.yaml
- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/scm-fact-collector.yaml
- $include: ./path-to-local-folder/pagerduty-fact-collector.yaml

Note: unlike checks and tracks, most fact collectors cannot be managed via a remote repo, but we are working to add this capability. Your fact collector configuration must be present in the local Backstage instance. The exception to this is the SCM fact collector, which accepts a remote URL from which it can fetch its configuration.


  • The remote URL must be accessible by the Backstage instance, and that Soundcheck will use Backstage's shared URLReader to fetch the configuration. You must therefore have proper integration(s) setup in Backstage for the URLReader to be able to fetch the configuration. For example, to use the URL provided above, you would need to have a GitHub integration setup in Backstage.
  • The remote URL must be a URL to a YAML file, not a JSON file or any other format.
  • There is a known limitation with configuring the SCM Fact Collector with a remote URL: The configuration will schedule fact collection appropriately on initial load, but subsequent changes to the configuration will not change which facts are collected nor their collection schedules. The SCM Fact Collector will only pick up changes to its fact collection configuration on a restart of the Backstage instance.


We include a REST API for Facts. See API Reference for details.

Third Party Integrations

We are always adding new third-party integrations to Soundcheck. You can find the list of available integrations here.