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Insights puts you in control of your Portal adoption journey by presenting you with data and dashboards related to your developers' usage and sentiment of Portal:

  • Usage data: Analyze overall active user trends, or dig deeper into key features that drive adoption, like the Catalog, Templates, or Search.
  • Surveys: Configure short, in-context surveys that ask developers for qualitative feedback about Portal in-the-moment.

Find out more in the Insights plugin documentation.

Enabling Insights

It could take up to 48 hours before Insights' dashboards are populated with usage data, so we recommend that you enable Insights as early as possible.

1. Configure the plugin

Before you can start the plugin, you'll need to configure an API token.

  1. Get a Spotify API token for your organization. See detailed instructions here or reach out to support.
  2. Open the Config Manager and find the Backstage-insights plugin card. click the Manage plugin button.
  3. Enter the API token you retrieved in step 1 into the Spotify API Token field at the bottom of the configuration form.
  4. Click Save changes.

2. Start the plugin

  1. After your configuration has been successfully saved, click Start plugin at the top of the plugin configuration page.
  2. After the plugin has been successfully enabled, you should see an Insights navigation item in the nav bar. This is only accessible to Portal admins.

3. Start the module

  1. Open the Config Manager and find the App card.
  2. Click the Manage plugin button and switch to the Modules tab.
  3. Click on Manage module for the @spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights module.
  4. Click Start module, as the module needs no configuration.