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The Software Templates or Scaffolder is a tool that can help you create Components inside Portal. By default, it has the ability to load skeletons of code, template in some variables, and then publish the result to GitHub.

Portal currently does not come with any default software templates. So when you enable Scaffolder through Setup Guide, you will see an empty page to start with. However, we highly encourage you to create your own templates based on the standards in your organization to help your users create software components faster.

Adding new templates

Templates are stored in the Software Catalog under the kind Template. The minimum that is needed to define a template is a template.yaml file, but it's also beneficial to include files that can serve as a starting point for the new component created, e.g. markdown files, code files or configuration files.

Follow the instructions below to add your first software template.

  1. Create a new template definition file my-template.yaml.

Template Definition file

  1. Open your new empty template definition file using the Template Editor at /create/edit

Open Definition file Template Editor

  1. Edit your template with the following example, you should now be able to see your steps defined in the preview screen to the right of the screen

Make sure to update the first step below to point to a location where you have put content you want to add to your template.

kind: Template
# some metadata about the template itself
name: my-software-template
title: My Software Template
description: Software Template Demo
owner: my-team
type: service

# These are the steps which are rendered in form input when a user navigates to the software template
- title: Add component metadata
- name
- owner
title: Name
type: string
description: Unique name of the component
title: Owner
type: string
description: Owner of the component
ui:field: OwnerPicker
kind: Group
- title: Choose a location
- repoUrl
title: Repository Location
type: string
ui:field: RepoUrlPicker

# here are the steps that are executed in series in the scaffolder backend
# Downloads single file and places it in the workspace.
- id: fetch-base
name: Fetch Base
action: fetch:template
# ℹ️ This should to be changed to a location where you have content you want to add to your template ℹ️
name: ${{ }}
owner: ${{ parameters.owner }}

- id: publish
name: Publish
action: publish:github
allowedHosts: ['']
description: This is ${{ }}
repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}

- id: register
name: Register
action: catalog:register
repoContentsUrl: ${{ steps['publish'].output.repoContentsUrl }}
catalogInfoPath: '/catalog-info.yaml'

Preview Of Template

Once you are happy with your template, click save to save your updates to your template definition file.

Save template changes

  1. Store this template definition file somewhere accessible with a URL, e.g. in a Github repository.
  2. Register your template definition file using the Catalog Import tool at /catalog-import

Register new template

  1. Create new components based on this new template using Scaffolder

Once the template has been registered, anyone within your organization can create components based on the template you have defined. The component will also automatically get registered into the Software Catalog 🎉

Scaffolder Landing Page including new template Create New component

Note: When you add or modify a template, you will need to refresh the location entity in the Software Catalog. Otherwise, Portal won't display the template in the available templates, or it will keep showing the old template. You can refresh the location instance by going to the /catalog page, choosing Locations instead of Components, and selecting the correct location entity. From there, you can click on the refresh icon representing "Scheduled entity refresh" action. Afterwards, you should see your template updated.