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Setup & Installation


Configure the Sign-In Resolver

To allow Insights to identify the user entity associated with the signed-in user, your SignInResolver must issue an identity token with a sub (subject) claim pointing to the user entity in the catalog corresponding to the signed-in user. Check out Backstage user identity documentation on for complete details on how to supply an identity resolver.

Note: If you alter the Sign-In Resolver and the returned subject claim changes for a signed in user, this will affect the ability to correlate data between the old and new subject claims and active user counts may appear inflated.

While many authentication providers handle this automatically, if you're using a custom provider, you might need to implement this behavior yourself. Refer to examples in the Google auth sign-in resolver or the GitHub auth sign-in resolver. For more information on configuring a sign-in resolver, see the identity resolver documentation on

Backend Installation

Obtain the Plugin

Add the Insights backend as a dependency to your Backstage backend app:

yarn workspace backend add @spotify/backstage-plugin-insights-backend

Integrate the Plugin

You can integrate the Insights backend plugin with your Backstage backend like this:

import { createBackend } from '@backstage/backend-defaults';

const backend = createBackend();

// ...


Legacy Backend


If you are still using the Legacy Backend you can follow these instructions but we highly recommend migrating to the New Backend System.

Create a new file named packages/backend/src/plugins/backstageInsights.ts with the following content:

import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';
import { createRouter } from '@spotify/backstage-plugin-insights-backend';

export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
return await createRouter({

Next, wire up the Insights backend in packages/backend/src/index.ts. Import the module from the previous step, create a plugin environment, and add the router to the Express app.


import proxy from './plugins/proxy';
import techdocs from './plugins/techdocs';
import search from './plugins/search';
import backstageInsights from './plugins/backstageInsights';


const techdocsEnv = createEnv('techdocs');
const searchEnv = createEnv('search');
const appEnv = createEnv('app');
const backstageInsightsEnv = createEnv('backstageInsights');


apiRouter.use('/techdocs', await techdocs(techdocsEnv));
apiRouter.use('/proxy', await proxy(proxyEnv));
apiRouter.use('/search', await search(searchEnv));
apiRouter.use('/backstage-insights', await backstageInsights(backstageInsightsEnv));

Note: be sure to use "backstage-insights" exactly as your route in the above file

Create an API Token for Your Organization

To secure communication between your Backstage backend and Spotify's servers, you need to create an API token. Visit and create a token with a descriptive name, such as backstage-insights-production-token. Note down the token value as you'll need it in the next step.

Configure the Spotify Backstage API Token

In your app-config.yaml, add the following entry to enable communication with Spotify's servers:


Set the SPOTIFY_BACKSTAGE_API_TOKEN environment variable to the API token you created earlier. Ensure that you treat this value as a secret and avoid checking it into version control.

Additional Configuration

Extra Entity Metadata Capture

The Insights backend integrates with the Software Catalog to enhance analytics events with additional entity metadata. This allows filtering or grouping data based on attributes like the entity's type. By default, the following fields are captured on analytics events associated with catalog entities: kind, metadata.namespace, spec.type, spec.lifecycle, and spec.owner. To capture extra fields, provide them in the configuration. Common fields can be found in the Catalog's YAML File Format documentation. You can also reference custom metadata stored on entities.

- spec.someCustomField

Similarly, certain fields are captured on all analytics events related to the signed-in user, such as metadata.namespace and spec.memberOf. You can configure additional user metadata capture in the configuration as well:

- spec.profile.someCustomField

Note that the Insights backend applies redaction logic to avoid collecting personal data, but you should understand the data collected when configuring these additional fields.

Identity groups filter

By default, membership groups for users are captured with analytic events, which are then used in the frontend to filter and segment the data on dashboards. However, some groups may not be logical representations of groups that you'd want to segment by. As an example, you may populate these groups from an external source that is used for application management, and therefore have no relation to Backstage usage.

For this reason, we provide a captureIdentityGroupsFilter config option to specify which types of groups you want to capture.

Some examples:

  • Only capture specific group types
- department
- guild
- team
  • Only capture groups annotated with an insights flag
'metadata.includeInInsights': true

Total Users Count Filter

The Insights frontend uses the Software Catalog to determine the total number of users who can access Backstage. This number is essential for various dashboards and views. If the count is incorrect due to factors like retaining deactivated users or gradual rollouts, you can apply filters using an EntityFilterQuery. Examples include counting members of a specific group or users under a certain namespace.

'relations.memberOf': 'group:default/rnd'

For more details, refer to the EntityFilterQuery documentation on

Host Filter

While it's recommended that, in local and pre-production environments, you set backstageInsights.debug to true, there may be a variety of scenarios where that's not possible or practical to standardize. You can set a host filter to ensure that dashboards only display data that's been collected from your production environment.

For instance, if your production Backstage app is accessible to employees at, you could add the following in your app-config.yaml:


Frontend Installation - Adding the Insights API

Get the Plugin

Add the Insights Analytics Module as a dependency to your Backstage frontend app:

yarn workspace app add @spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights

Supply the BackstageInsights API implementation in your app

This is typically done in /packages/app/src/apis.ts, or less often directly in the call to createApp().

import { BackstageInsights } from '@spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights';

export const apis = [

Configure the Backstage Insights API

Generate a random string, for example with the following terminal one-liner:

node -p 'require("crypto").randomBytes(24).toString("base64")'

Then add the following configuration to your app-config.yaml, substituting the random string you just generated for the salt value. The salt is used to hash user identifiers in the insights event data that is sent to Spotify. If you change this value after data has been collected, you will lose the ability to correlate new data with the old data and active user counts may appear inflated, as such distinct users counts will be reset.

salt: randomly-generated-string-here
debug: true

Note: This value is secret to Spotify (meaning: Spotify should never have access to this value), but it does not need to be treated as a secret within your organization (meaning: feel free to check this value in).

The debug property is set to true, which will output data to local logs instead of sending it to the production API. Don't forget to supply an override in your app-config.production.yaml:

debug: false

Check everything is working

Start up backstage locally. For the sake of testing, you could provide any necessary overrides as environment variables inline, like this:

APP_CONFIG_backstageInsights_debug=false \
yarn dev

Once the app is built and running, open the app in your browser and open the browser's network console; check for requests being made against the insights backend with a path containing backstage-insights/events. As you navigate around Backstage, those requests should receive a 204 response if everything is configured correctly.

Once you've verified your configuration locally, deploy your changes to production (ensuring that you properly set the SPOTIFY_BACKSTAGE_API_TOKEN variable in your production environment). Perform the same network request checks in your production Backstage.

Please note that data is processed in batches with a slight delay. The dashboards only show full complete days so events from the present day are not displayed.


If you're not seeing what's described in the Check everything is working section, here are a few common misconfigurations to be aware of:

  • Are you seeing a 401 or 404 response instead of a 204? There are two key items to check:
    • Check that you've set the SPOTIFY_BACKSTAGE_API_TOKEN environment variable as expected.
    • Be sure that you set the path correctly when you wired up the Insights backend. It should be /backstage-insights, as in apiRouter.use('/backstage-insights', /* etc */).
  • Are you not seeing any matching network requests at all? Check that you've set the backstageInsights.salt value as expected. A missing value could result in the analytics API instantiation failing silently. It's also possible that backstageInsights.debug is mistakenly set to true (if this is the case, you'll see backstageInsights logs in your browser's console log). Make sure that your app is loading in all relevant configuration files (app-config.yaml as well as app-config.production.yaml).
  • Are you seeing an error similar to tried to register duplicate or forbidden API factory when you load the frontend? This is likely because you already have an analytics implementation supplied in your apis.ts file. To resolve, you can use the MultipleAnalyticsApi class to supply your existing analytics implementation alongside Backstage Insights. In place of BackstageInsights.createDefaultApiFactory(), you could do something similar to the following:
import {
} from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { MultipleAnalyticsApi } from '@backstage/core-app-api';
import { BackstageInsightsApi } from '@spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights';
import { YourExistingAnalyticsApi } from '@somewhere/else';

export const apis = [
api: analyticsApiRef,
deps: {
configApi: configApiRef,
discoveryApi: discoveryApiRef,
fetchApi: fetchApiRef,
identityApi: identityApiRef,
storageApi: storageApiRef,
factory: ({
}) =>
BackstageInsightsApi.fromConfig(configApi, {
YourExistingAnalyticsApi.fromConfig(configApi, {

Frontend Installation - Adding the UI

Get the Plugin

Add the Insights frontend as a dependency to your Backstage frontend app:

yarn workspace app add @spotify/backstage-plugin-insights

Install the Insights frontend

Wire up routing to the InsightsPage entry page. The route should look something like this:

import {
} from '@spotify/backstage-plugin-insights';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-search';

/* Configure the route location for the Search plugin inside bindRoutes */

bindRoutes({ bind }) {
bind(insightsPlugin.externalRoutes, {
searchPage: searchPlugin.routes.root,


const routes = (
<Navigate key="/" to="catalog" />
<Route path="/insights" element={<InsightsPage />} />

/* Add the SurveyLoader, which renders configured pop-up surveys */

export default app.createRoot(
<AlertDisplay />
<OAuthRequestDialog />
<InsightsSurveyLoader />

Add a sidebar menu item that routes to the path setup in the previous step:

import { InsightsSidebarItem } from '@spotify/backstage-plugin-insights'

<SidebarItem icon={MapIcon} to="tech-radar" text="Tech Radar" />
<InsightsSidebarItem />


Configure Access Controls

The Insights plugin integrates with Backstage's permission framework and the RBAC plugin. This integration enables restricting which users/groups can view Insights dashboards as well as Create, Read, Update, or Delete (CRUD) Insights surveys and responses.

If you currently permission access to catalog resources, you'll likey want to configure who can access Insights as it could potentially expose information from the catalog that users might not normally have permissions to see.

The recommended approaches to setting access controls for this plugin require the Backstage permissions framework. You may have set up this up already when configuring other plugins from the Spotify bundle, but if not, follow this guide to setting up the permissions framework.

"The RBAC plugin is a no-code management UI for restricting access to plugins, routes, and data within Backstage. Admins can quickly define roles, assign users and groups, and configure permissions to encode authorization decisions according to your organization's evolving security and compliance needs."

To have access to Insights permissions within the RBAC UI, be sure to add backstage-insights to the list of permissionedPlugins in your app-config.yaml.

enabled: true
- catalog
- scaffolder
- backstage-insights

Using the RBAC plugin, it's easy to define access to Insights by configuring Allow for all of the Insights permissions:

An Insights Admin role set up via the RBAC plugin

See the Available Permissions section for details on what the permissions entail.

Here is a basic sample any-allow policy that allows general access to the catalog and templates but restricts access to the Insights plugin to the group backstage-admins:

name: Sample Insights Policy
description: null
resolutionStrategy: any-allow
- name: Default user
members: '*'
- match:
resourceType: scaffolder-action
decision: allow
- match:
resourceType: scaffolder-template
decision: allow
- match:
resourceType: catalog-entity
decision: allow
- name: Admin
- group:default/backstage-admins
- match: '*'
decision: allow

To get started with this sample policy, save the content as a yaml file and follow the RBAC import policy instructions.

Option 2: Use Custom Policy Handlers

If you don't use the RBAC plugin, you can define custom policy handlers for permission framework policies.

class ExamplePolicy implements PermissionPolicy {
async handle(request: PolicyQuery): Promise<PolicyDecision> {
if ( === '') {
const isAllowed = await someEvaluationFunction();

if (isAllowed) {
return {
result: AuthorizeResult.ALLOW,

return { result: AuthorizeResult.DENY };

Integrate the Plugin with Your Frontend App

Install the Insights routes in your app within packages/app/src/App.tsx and configure the route location for the Search plugin. You can also add a sidebar item for easy access to Insights if needed.

Verify Functionality

After setting up access controls, users with the permission should see an Insights sidebar menu item. Ensure that the Backend plugin is correctly configured and data has been collected for at least 48 hours for the dashboards to display meaningful information.

Available Permissions

The Insights plugin has the following permissions that can be used to control access to the plugin and its features:

insights.readAllows a user to access the Insights UI, view dashboards and data. This is also required in tandem with all of the following permissions
insights.survey.readAllows a user to view Insights surveys and any associated responses
insights.survey.updateAllows a user to edit or close an existing Insights survey
insights.survey.deleteAllows a user to delete an existing Insights survey and all associated responses
insights.survey.createAllows a user to create an Insights survey via the Insights Feedback UI. Also allows a user to duplicate an existing survey