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Qualitative and satisfaction data are every bit as important to understanding Backstage usage and driving adoption. Feedback in the Insights plugin offers a way to gather comments from your users.


There is a known issue with react-router@6.0.0-beta.0 that causes the Feedback features route matching functionality to not work as expected. If you are using this version of react-router, please follow the Backstage guidance of upgrading to a later mainline (6.x.x) version of react-router.

Pop-up Surveys

Pop-up surveys are short, one-to-two pane questionnaires shown to users within the Backstage UI.

Consisting of a configurable name, a free-text question, and an optional 5-point scale satisfaction question, this survey appears to your users as a modal in the bottom-right side of the screen on pages of your choice.

Pop-up Surveys

Display Logic

Where and when a pop-up survey is displayed is configurable along two axes: location and trigger.


You can specify one or more page paths where the survey should appear. Multiple paths should be comma-separated. Paths may contain * and ** wildcard characters. See examples below for how paths may be specified.

  • /soundcheck - Only on the Soundcheck homepage
  • /catalog/*/component/*/soundcheck - On the Soundcheck tab for any component
  • **/catalog/**/soundcheck** - On the Soundcheck tab for any entity
  • **/soundcheck,/catalog/**/soundcheck** - On the Soundcheck homepage or any entity's Soundcheck tab
  • **/**** - On any page

The page paths specified should be relative to the Backstage instance. If Backstage is hosted on a sub-path of the domain (e.g., do not include the /backstage sub-path in the location configuration.


Surveys can be triggered to appear on the specified page, or after leaving the specified page.

You might, for example, configure a Search Satisfaction survey to appear after leaving /search, asking How easy was it to find what you were looking for?

In either case, the survey can be configured to appear after a certain number of seconds have passed after the trigger.

Survey trigger logic


It's possible that multiple surveys could be eligible to appear for a user on a single page. In such cases, only one will be shown within a 5 minute cooldown period. Surveys that are configured to be shown "after leaving" will take priority over others. Surveys with the nearest closing date then take precedence.


Surveys are resources that have a concept of ownership. By default, a survey will belong to the user who created it; the user may optionally choose to set the owner to any group to which they have ownership claims.

Survey ownership

If you are using RBAC or otherwise have permissions enabled and implemented, you can use survey ownership as a means to limit access to surveys and their results.

For example, using the IS_SURVEY_OWNER rule in RBAC, you can limit the ability to "read" surveys and their results to only those with ownership claims over the survey.

RBAC permission decision based on survey owner

The full list of permissions can be found under Available Permissions


A survey goes live as soon as you save it. It will continue to appear to your users indefinitely, unless you set an optional end date. In order to maintain data integrity, your survey's content/questions will not be editable after launch.

Survey end date

You can close a survey at any time using the action menu on the surveys table. Responses are retained after closing the survey. Deleting a survey will also delete all associated responses. This action cannot be undone.

Surveys table and action menu

Survey Responses

For any given survey, a user may submit one response. Once you've collected several responses, it's time to start looking at the data!

Completion Rate

After you've launched a survey, you'll see a card representing that survey on the Feedback page. This card will show completion rate for the survey. Completion rate is the total number of completed survey responses divided by the number of users who saw the pop-up survey (e.g. those who took no action or closed out of the modal).

Survey completion card


If your survey was configured to include a satisfaction score, the card representing the survey will show a line chart representing average satisfaction over time.

Survey satisfaction over time


Free text responses for all surveys are shown in the comments card to the right of the surveys table. You can filter down to a specific survey and search for key words for phrases within the provided comments.

Survey comments card