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Migration & Installation

If this is your first time installing Backstage Insights, you can safely ignore this section. However, if you are currently using a version of @spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights that is v0.6.1 or earlier, you will need to migrate using the following guide.

As of v0.7.0, the Backstage Insights analytics module sends events to Spotify's hosted service via a new backend plugin, rather than the proxy backend. This change was made in order to allow greater flexibility when collecting analytics events.

Support for collection via the proxy backend is now deprecated and will be removed in the next release of Backstage Insights.

Migrating from the proxy backend

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of @spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights in the same way you normally bump Backstage plugin packages

  2. Install the Backstage Insights backend plugin

  3. Move your existing config to the top-level backstageInsights config key in your app-config.yaml file:

Prior configuration

salt: xyz
debug: true # for local development

New configuration

salt: xyz
debug: true # for local development

Ensure these changes are replicated in other config files, e.g. app-config.production.yaml.

  1. Be sure to configure the Spotify API token in the same way that you had it configured on the proxy (e.g. by using the same environment variable name) in your app-config.yaml file:

Prior configuration

target: ''
Authorization: Bearer ${SPOTIFY_BACKSTAGE_API_TOKEN}

New configuration


Ensure these changes are replicated in other config files, e.g. app-config.production.yaml.

Verifying the migration

After running through the migration steps above, you can verify that everything is working as expected by following these check everything is working instructions.

If you encounter any issues while verifying the migration, check the troubleshooting documentation.

If you find that analytics event requests are being made, but they are being made to a path like /api/proxy, be sure that you’ve successfully upgraded the @spotify/backstage-plugin-analytics-module-insights package to the latest version.

Rolling back to the proxy backend

If you are unable to upgrade successfully, please get in touch with us using our support form! In the meantime, you can set backstageInsights.useProxy to true in order to temporarily use the data collection mechanism from prior releases:

useProxy: true # Temporarily use Proxy Backend