Setting up Software Templates
Creating new components using Backstage
There are three main jobs to be done using Backstage - Create, Manage and Explore.
Even in moderately large organizations, engineers regularly create and deploy new backend services, APIs, data pipelines, mobile features, and internal websites. Without a standardized process, engineers are slowed down by the need to make decisions about frameworks, CI/CD configurations, and so on. And that's how fragmentation begins to take hold, compounding the velocity and complexity problems organizations face.

At Spotify, we use Backstage Software Templates to simplify all of this, reducing time–to–Hello World to just a few clicks. Instead of researching Spring Boot versus Helidon, opening a Jira ticket, rummaging through docs, and configuring CI automations, you just choose a template and your project is automatically set up in the repo for you, with the CI already running your first build.
By making it easier to start new projects, you and your engineer can focus on what’s most important - creating value and building features! Encoding your organization’s best practices into templates ensures standards are maintained and complexity is minimized in your tech ecosystem.