Spotify Marketplace for Backstage

As a partner, can I sell my own plugins as part of the bundle?
Partners cannot sell their plugins as part of the Spotify Plugins for Backstage bundle. However, partners and third-parties can now apply to become a Marketplace partner. If you’d like to apply to list your plugin or Backstage solution to the Marketplace, please fill out this form. 
With Marketplace, can I now buy the Spotify Plugins for Backstage individually?
At this time, the Spotify plugins are only available to purchase via the bundle. Please contact the sales team to discuss your specific needs. 
How do I list my plugin or Backstage solution on the Marketplace?
If you’d like to apply to list your plugin or Backstage solution to the Spotify Marketplace for Backstage, please fill out this form. 
How is the Spotify Marketplace for Backstage different from the open source plugin directory?
We introduced the Spotify Marketplace for Backstage to further accelerate growth in the ecosystem in parallel to the open source plugin directory. The solutions listed in the Marketplace have dedicated support and investment from our trusted partners, so you can be confident they’ll remain secure and well-maintained. Our goal is to grow the Spotify Marketplace for Backstage overtime and include all Backstage offerings. 
How do I buy a plugin or service listed by a Marketplace Partner?
If you’re interested in buying or upgrading a license with any of our Marketplace partners, head over to the relevant Marketplace product page. There, you’ll find links to talk to that partner’s team about what makes sense for your organization.
How do I get support for a plugin or service listed by a Marketplace partner?
If you need support, please take a look at the relevant Marketplace product page. Marketplace partners offer varying support models. On the relevant product page, you’ll learn more about the support that partner offers and how to request support.

Spotify Plugins for Backstage bundle

How can I purchase a subscription of the Spotify Plugins for Backstage bundle?
To start using the plugins, please contact us. We will guide you through the process and get you set up with the plugins.
Where can I find installation instructions and technical documentation for the plugins?
All of the installation instructions for the Spotify Plugins for Backstage are public via the Product Docs
How much does the bundle subscription cost?

We are structuring pricing as an annual subscription with customers gaining access to all plugins offered in the bundle.

In our alpha and closed beta testing, we learned that pricing flexibility based on individual parameters like Backstage usage and capacity within an organization is what works best for our customers. In this open beta period, we're committed to building relationships with our customers and demonstrating our commitment to building value within the subscription. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.

What if I don't want or need all five plugins in the bundle?

That's OK! There is no one way to improve developer effectiveness. Each of these plugins does its part. At Spotify, we use the internal versions of these plugins collectively in that effort. As such, we're packaging these plugins as a bundle, providing everything we think and hear you need to successfully improve the productivity and happiness of your developers.

Our aim is to provide comprehensive solutions that work effectively together and provide incremental value as your organization evolves. We believe that all these plugins can add value to your Backstage application and company over time. If you're not ready to use all of them at once, you can install whichever plugins best suit your needs and have access to the other plugins whenever you want.

Why is Spotify selling plugins?

Before we open-sourced it, our teams at Spotify knew what we had with Backstage was special. Our developers loved it and we'd proven that it was driving a better developer experience, and ultimately our business's success. The success of Backstage in open source showed us that there was more Spotify could share about what we've learned and ship more of our engineering culture beyond our teams.

These plugins are designed to complement the open source platform and plugins you already enjoy, bringing even more of Spotify's experience and maturity with Backstage to the overall platform. We hope that by adding paid plugins from Spotify to the other commercial services surrounding Backstage, the platform becomes more valuable to current adopters, we broaden Backstage's reach to new adopters, and we create a more diverse ecosystem for the community at large.

The bundle subscription is also how we see Spotify continuing to sustain its investment in Backstage. Revenue generated from the bundle can be reinvested into developing and releasing more plugins — including more of the 200+ plugins we use internally — and evolving Backstage further. We see this as a good thing for our community, our teams, and our customers.

What kind of support comes with these plugins?
Customers should expect Spotify-provided support for the plugins included in the bundle (e.g. onboarding, troubleshooting, etc.). Moving forward, we're evaluating enterprise support for Backstage, and any interested customers should let us know!
Will new plugins continue to be added to the bundle subscription?
Right now, we're focused on delivering value through the subscription with our initial set of open beta plugins. The overarching question we asked when developing these plugins was “will this make Backstage more useful and powerful for open source adopters?” And that's the question we'll continue to ask as we evolve the subscription.
Can I contribute code to Spotify's commercial plugins?
No, these plugins are closed source and the license is owned by Spotify. We are always open to feedback and feature requests, but in order to provide the quality of support, we believe they must remain this way. If you have a feature request, please let us know or contribute it to the open source community.
As a partner, can I sell this to the companies I am working with on Backstage?
Similar to how we work with mature open source integrators, we're excited to unlock the value of these plugins for everyone who uses Backstage. Please fill out this form and we'll be in touch to discuss how we can support you.


Where can I find installation instructions and technical documentation for Soundcheck?
All of the installation instructions for the Spotify Plugins for Backstage are public via the Product Docs. You can find the documentation specifically for Soundcheck in this Installation & Setup guide.
What is a Soundcheck track and how is it created/modified?
A Soundcheck track is a logical grouping of a collection of checks. Tracks encourage alignment to architectural best practices and standards. Think of a track as a long-term health initiative that your organization wants to adopt. Soundcheck tracks define their check collections either via static configuration in a .yaml file (config.yaml), or via No-Code UI that allows users to perform CRUD operations on tracks.
What are Soundcheck facts?
A fact is an un-opinionated piece of information about an entity in the Software Catalog. Soundcheck can be configured to collect facts about entities using fact collectors or facts can be submitted to Soundcheck through its API.
What are Soundcheck checks and how are they created/modified?

A check is a comparison between a defined acceptable value and the actual value of a given fact for an entity. Checks can be defined by users either via static configuration in a .yaml file (config.yaml), or via No-Code UI that allows users to perform CRUD operations on checks. Checks of this type are executed by Soundcheck.

Alternatively, any arbitrary code that performs a logical check of some kind within your infrastructure can submit results to Soundcheck.

With either approach, results of checks are submitted to Soundcheck, recorded, and made visible to users.

What's Soundcheck No-Code UI?
No-Code UI is a powerful user interface built into the Soundcheck plugin that allows you to perform CRUD operations on checks and tracks without writing yaml code. It has the same capabilities as its yaml configuration analog, however it simplifies and visualizes the process of managing checks and tracks. Checks and tracks created via No-Code UI are stored in the central Backstage database, or a plugin-specific database if configured.
Can I continue using Soundcheck checks and tracks created in a .yaml file and add new configuration via No-Code UI?
Soundcheck allows using both yaml configuration and No-Code UI at the same time, so you don't need to recreate your existing configuration via No-Code UI. However, checks and tracks created in the yaml file are only available to be viewed on UI and any modifications or deletions must be done in the original yaml.
Can anyone delete or edit checks and tracks created via No-Code UI?
Permissions for Create, Read, Update, or Delete (CRUD) operations on checks and tracks can be managed via RBAC configuration. You can configure your own rules for each of the CRUD operations on checks and tracks based on their ownership. For more information on the RBAC rules configuration, see the RBAC documentation.
How do I integrate a check's status into my CI/CD?
Soundcheck currently allows CI/CD integration through custom check implementations. Should a check fail, the check can signal the CI/CD system to halt a build. Future releases will look to provide more seamless support for CI/CD integration, allowing a build to proceed, fail, or be ignored based on checks' pass/fail states more natively, without this responsibility falling to the checks themselves.
Where are Soundcheck's checks' results stored?
Check Results are stored in the central Backstage database, or a plugin-specific database if configured.
Does Soundcheck keep a history of check results?
By default, Soundcheck retains only the latest result for each check to limit the size of the check results database. Users can enable tracking of check result history in order to track the change in check results over time.
After I've enabled check result history, how can I view it?
At this time, Soundcheck does not have support for viewing check result history. However, external systems such as Tableau can be used to visualize this data.
Can we manually submit the results of a check to Soundcheck ?

Soundcheck provides a simple REST API which can accept the results of a batch of check invocations. Soundcheck then aggregates and displays these results.

Alternatively, you may leverage the Soundcheck fact framework, which provides a mechanism by which Soundcheck itself can collect facts about an entity in Backstage, and execute checks based on those facts.

Does Soundcheck provide any integrations with third-party tools?
Yes! Out-of-the-box, Soundcheck integrates with GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, Gerrit, BitBucketCloud, and BitBucketServer. Facts that can be collected from source control management providers include file existence and file content extraction via regular expressions or JSON/yaml paths. For GitHub, facts can also be extracted from repository details and branch protection information. For more information on these integrations, see the SCM documentation and GitHub documentation.
What happened to Soundcheck programs?
Soundcheck Programs are now called Tracks - we believe that the term “Track” provides a clearer and more intuitive understanding of the program's content. You may still see some references to “Programs” throughout Soundcheck (for example in .yaml configuration), future releases will cover the renaming of the remaining occurrences.
Does Spotify provide any of its tracks for Soundcheck?

No. Soundcheck allows you to create checks and tracks which reflect your organization's operational standards and best practices.

Our goal is to be as unopinionated as possible about the tracks you define and what constitutes passing a check.

Does Soundcheck integrate with the RBAC plugin?

Along with the No-Code UI release, we have recently integrated Soundcheck with the RBAC plugin. Adopters can use the RBAC plugin to manage (allow and restrict) what individual users or groups can do within Soundcheck.

Soundcheck's No-Code UI integrates with Backstage's permission framework on the RBAC plugin. This integration enables restricting which users/groups can Create, Read, Update, or Delete (CRUD) Soundcheck checks and tracks.

Check out the RBAC integration documentation for steps to allow/restrict specific permissions for No-Code UI users.

What is the pass rate metric on the Tech Health page?
The pass rate is an aggregate metric representing the percentage of all entities passing all checks, both with any applied filters taken into account.
What are the filters on the left side of the Tech Health page?
The filters allow users to narrow the data provided to the check, track, entity and team results charts on the overview page, and also apply to all other Tech Health tabs. For more details on these aggregations and filters, refer to Soundcheck's documentation.
Can I export data from the Tech Health page?
Users can export reports of current status of checks, tracks, entities and teams in csv format and share them offline.


Where can I find installation instructions and technical documentation for RBAC?
All of the installation instructions for the Spotify Plugins for Backstage are public via the Product Docs. You can find the documentation specifically for RBAC in this documentation.
How is this different from the open source permissions framework?
The biggest difference between the RBAC offering within the Spotify Plugins for Backstage subscription and the open source permissions framework is that the RBAC plugin is a no-code interface that easily allows anyone within your organization to configure permission policies. This plugin offers a guided policy authoring experience, so that you don't need to dig through code and docs to implement your policy. RBAC provides real-time validation as you build your policy, structured mapping between organization and roles, and a view of all the changes made.
How do I integrate RBAC with my other plugins?
RBAC utilizes Backstage's open source permission framework to allow or restrict access. In order to integrate RBAC with other plugins, plugins should instead integrate with the permission framework. More information on how to configure the permission framework for a plugin can be found here.

Skill Exchange

Where can I find installation instructions and technical documentation for Skill Exchange?
All of the installation instructions for the Spotify Plugins for Backstage are public via the Product Docs. You can find the documentation specifically for Skill Exchange in this documentation.
How is this different from other learning management systems?
Learning management systems are generally centrally managed and geared towards housing and delivering formal learning content. The Skill Exchange plugin is a marketplace created for R&D and engineering communities that offers a variety of engagement opportunities beyond formal learning coursework. With Skill Exchange, anyone can create a learning opportunity or offer their expertise. It empowers individuals and teams to connect with and learn from each other through practical, on-the-job learning opportunities that will be most impactful for them. All of this engagement drives meaningful growth and can identify other talent management initiatives internally.
Who can use Skill Exchange?
While Skill Exchange was designed for R&D and engineering teams, it is customizable enough to be used for any team at your company. As we continue to build out the functionality, we will make more intentional choices that enable folks outside of R&D organizations.
What aspects of Skill Exchange are customizable?
Skill Exchange user profiles are currently pre-loaded with a number of skill categories and skills. Administrators can add any custom skills to the existing categories.
What are best practices for getting traction with Skill Exchange internally?
There are a few ways that you can socialize this idea and get buy-in from stakeholders. We would be happy to talk through what worked for us and provide you with resources on how to drive adoption.
What integrations exist for Skill Exchange?
At this time, we offer a Slack integration. In the future, we will offer an integration with GitHub Enterprise. We are exploring options to enable generic ways to integrate with Skill Exchange features and data (API) integrations with other HR and LMS tools such as Workday and LinkedIn Learning.


Where can I find installation instructions and technical documentation for Insights?
All of the installation instructions for the Spotify Plugins for Backstage are public via the Product Docs You can find the documentation specifically for Insights in this documentation.
What metrics does Insights track?

Total searches: Shows the total number of searches for a given period

Daily number of searches: Shows trending daily searches for a selected period

Top search queries: Shows top searches and how many times a query has been searched

Template activity: Shows general activity for a given template over a given period (similar to what is shown on Github for repository activity)

Total number of runs: Shows the number of completed runs for a Software Template and ranks Templates based on completed runs

Total active users: Shows the total percentage of users that have accessed Backstage during a selected period. Note for all the pages within Backstage, the selected period can be between any two to 90 days into the past.

Daily active users over time: Shows the total number of daily active users (DAU) trend for a given period

Daily active users segmented: Shows the grouped total number of DAU trends for a given period

Total visited entities: The total percentage of entities that have been accessed in a given period

Top visited entities: A visualization showing the top visited entities in the catalog

How is Insights different from other analytics services?
The Insights plugin for Backstage is hosted by Spotify, so that you don't need to worry about scaling out an analytics database or data collection services. We take care of that for you, which saves you time. Simply install it, configure it, wait for data collection to start,  and you're on your way to understanding how backstage is going at your organization.
Does Insights only work with Spotify Plugins for Backstage?
Insights is able to surface trends across every part of your Backstage application, whether it's in an open source plugin, one of the other plugins included in the Spotify Plugins bundle, or in a custom plugin developed in-house at your organization.
Is Insights installed and deployed on prem?
Insights is a hosted service offered by Spotify. While installing Insights is no different than installing other plugins in Backstage, Spotify takes care of availability and scaling on your behalf. Dashboards are available through your Backstage instance like any other Spotify plugin.
Who can access our data?
Data and dashboards are only accessible by authorized users of your choosing. Access within Spotify is restricted to only those operating and improving the product. More information on this can be found under the Compliance, Privacy, and Data Security page. 
What data is captured for users and entities by default to support segmentation?

By default Insights captures the following data for entities: kind, metadata.namespace, spec.type, spec.lifecycle, spec.owner. And for users: kind, metadata.namespace, spec.memberOf.

Can we supply our own custom dimensions to segment data on?
Yes! Follow the guidance in the documentation to specify what dimensions you want to capture in the app.config.yaml. This is useful to customize segmentation to fit your organizational needs.