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Updating to the Limited Beta from the Private Beta version

The offical image of portal is now available on Docker hub.

Start using the public version

First replace the location of the image - previously at - with spotify/portal wherever used.

Note that the versioning format has changed, so if using a specific version of Portal, see new versions for more information.

New versioning format

The public image of Portal is using a slightly different versioning format:

<backstage version number>-portal.<increment>

For example, the first release of Portal that uses Backstage v1.19.0 would be spotify/portal:1.19.0-portal.0.

The latest version of the docker image will also be tagged as latest.

Click here to find the complete list of version tags.

Other changes required

  • Make sure that any environment variable is using the new PORTAL_ prefix. See here for more information.


All offical documentation covering Portal can now be found on