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How to manage environment variables and secrets

There are two types of environment variables:

  • frontend environment variables. A frontend environment variable is visible through the client browser.

  • secret environment variables. A secret environment variable can only be queried by the backend and will not be available in the client browser.

Environment Variable Substitution

frontend environment variables are substituted using the env. prefix where secret environment variables use the secrets. prefix.


export MY_ENV=...

In the above example, MY_ENV will be used as a frontend environment variable and should therefore be referenced as ${ env.MY_ENV } when used in configuration.

PORTAL_SECRET_MY_SECRET is a secret and needs to be referenced as ${ secrets.MY_SECRET }.

Note: Please note that secret environment variables need to be prefixed with PORTAL_SECRET_ to properly be identified as secrets.

Visibility validation

The @visibility keyword defined in the configuration schema is validated when adding an environment variable as configuration to Portal.

That means if an environment variable referenced in configuration is of type frontend - such as ${ env.MY_ENV } - but the @visibility in the schema of the field it is used in is of type secret, use of that value will fail.

Read more about configuration visibility here.

Required environment variables

Portal requires a set of environment variables to be defined in order for it to successfully start up.

PORTAL_DATABASE_HOSTfrontendDatabase host
PORTAL_DATABASE_PORTfrontendDatabase port
PORTAL_DATABASE_USERfrontendDatabase user
PORTAL_CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEYfrontendKey for encrypting database content
PORTAL_ROOT_USER_PASSWORDfrontendPassword for the root user
PORTAL_SECRET_BACKEND_KEYsecretKey for signing service-to-service tokens
PORTAL_BASE_URLfrontendThe public URL of the frontend

If any of these environment variables are not defined an error is thrown:

NotAllowedError: Required environment variable(s) PORTAL_DATABASE_HOST,PORTAL_CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY was not found

Referencing secret values using the env var pattern

Whenever using a value that is considered a secret it is recommended to pass that value in as an environment variable and then referencing that value using the ${ secrets.ENV } syntax.

As an example, the clientSecret for an authentication provider can be passed into the container using environment variables like this:

docker run --rm \

These can then be referenced in config as ${ secrets.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET}.

Examples in the Config Manager

Below is an example of how an environment variable and a secret is referenced in the Config Manager.

Environment variable and secret referenced in Config Manager

In the example, the variables are set up and referenced as follows:

  • export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=... referenced in the Config Manager UI as ${ env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID }
  • export PORTAL_SECRET_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=... referenced in the Config Manager UI as ${ secrets.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET }