Keycloak icon


Load users and groups from Keycloak, enabling use of multiple authentication providers to be applied to Backstage entities


Red Hat



Screenshot of Backstage, showing a user entity with information imported from Keycloak

About the plugin

The Keycloak plugin integrates users and groups from Keycloak with Backstage, enabling use of multiple authentication providers to be applied to Backstage entities. It can synchronize Keycloak users and groups into a realm.

  • Seamless authorization and authentication with Keycloak

  • Single point of truth for user and group information

Keycloak features


Synchronize Keycloak users in a realm, and synchronize Keycloak groups and their users in a realm.

Screenshot of Backstage, showing a user entity with information imported from Keycloak


Load users and groups from Keycloak, enabling use of multiple authentication providers to be applied to Backstage entities

Screenshot of Backstage, showing a user entity with information imported from Keycloak