3Scale icon


Synchronize 3scale content into the Backstage Software Catalog


Red Hat



A catalog overview page on Backstage with a table with the header "All apis (5)". Filters on the left are "type", "Personal (Owned/ Starred)", "My Company", Owner" and "Lifecycle". The table has five rows with the columns "Name", "System", "Owner", "Type", "Lifecycle", "Description", "Tags", and "Actions". Four rows have the system and owner as "3scale".

About the plugin

The 3scale plugin synchronizes 3scale content into the Backstage Software Catalog.

  • Access integration content in a central location

  • APIs conveniently located and accessible

3Scale features


See an overview of APIs.

A catalog overview page on Backstage with a table with the header "All apis (5)". Filters on the left are "type", "Personal (Owned/ Starred)", "My Company", Owner" and "Lifecycle". The table has five rows with the columns "Name", "System", "Owner", "Type", "Lifecycle", "Description", "Tags", and "Actions". Four rows have the system and owner as "3scale".


Synchronize 3scale content into the Backstage Software Catalog

A catalog overview page on Backstage with a table with the header "All apis (5)". Filters on the left are "type", "Personal (Owned/ Starred)", "My Company", Owner" and "Lifecycle". The table has five rows with the columns "Name", "System", "Owner", "Type", "Lifecycle", "Description", "Tags", and "Actions". Four rows have the system and owner as "3scale".